I recently invited you to send me questions that I could ponder while on sabbatical and perhaps respond. This one’s an easy answer.
Question: Where do you get your news?
I stopped watching the news in 2020 because I just didn’t know who to believe anymore. When I turned off the talking heads and uninstalled social media apps, I noticed within a week that I was less stressed, less anxious, and way less angry. But I also felt uninformed about what was going on in the world. And I don’t think Christians should bury their heads in the sand. Thus began my search for reliable news that wasn’t all bad all the time.
I’ve shared my discovery of the World News Group with you before. Their mission is to produce “sound journalism grounded in facts and Biblical truth.” I listen to their daily news podcast, The World and Everything In It, almost every day. It’s fantastic.
I recently came across another source of news and am liking it so far this summer: The Pour Over. It’s an email three times a week and only takes a few minutes to read. It’s also written by Christian authors. Their motto is “your politically neutral, Christ-first news source.” They will summarize a news story and then give a prayer, Scripture, or thoughtful reflection to help us keep the report in perspective. I don’t know the authors’ backgrounds, but so far everything they’ve written has been excellent. And it’s helped me be a little more thoughtful about praying for things happening in the world around us.
Anyway, I hope these two news sources help you stay informed, Christ-centered, and stress-free! Let me know what you think of them. If you’ve got a good source for news, please share!
Yes TPO is an easy read.