For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. ~ Genesis 3:5 (ESV)
The third chapter of Genesis tells the story of the fall when Adam and Eve chose to believe the serpent’s lie instead of God’s truth. One of the lies the serpent spun is still catching people today: “You will be like God.” This powerfully alluring lie has wormed its way into the core of our hearts.
To be like God meant knowing good and evil for yourself. No longer would Adam and Eve need God to tell them what was good and what was bad for them. They could decide for themselves. They could make up their own minds about how to live. They wouldn’t need God meddling in their business any longer. Now, instead of living for God, they could live for themselves.
This lie is one of the fundamental tenets of modern American society. Life is about you. Do what you want. Be what you want. Take what you want. Think what you want. Believe what you want. Define your own truth. Follow your heart. Never deny yourself. The highest pinnacle of your existence is self-actualization. You have replaced God.
Most of us will probably find it much easier to see Satan’s best lie played out in others rather than in ourselves. So, here are a few reflection questions to help you identify where this lie is influencing you. Ask God these questions and write down the thoughts that come to mind.
How is this lie present in my thoughts today?
What issues do I decide what’s good and bad despite what the Bible says?
In what areas of my life am I trying to take control?
In what ways do I think, act, or feel like I am the most important person to consider?
This is a very difficult one for me to hear. It's so difficult because it hits so close to home for me. I have been running away from God most of my adult life. I have always believed in God but wanted to go my own way because I thought it was what I wanted. I have a lifetime of wrongs to ask for forgiveness for and it is a very difficult journey for me. You words are giving me a roadmap for me to follow.