My comment isn't really anything to do with your blog this week but I felt the need comment about Lakeview Church.

My wife and I started watching online about a year and a half to two years ago. My wife had decided to leave the church she was a member of (a story that can only be told by her). She was devastated and I recognized how important church was to her so we started watching online. I had not been attending any church in many years (a very long story) and felt that I was being drawn to Lakeview. We were both very impressed with nearly all aspects of Lakeview and made the to attend to start attending in person in December 2023. Two things that attracted most are your teaching and the music. Of all of the churches I have attended in my life I have never heard a pastor that delivers a message and teaches like you. It seems that every week has me wanting more. For the first time in my life I am so interested in your message that I wonder where the time went. The music is always the best and I can see that the worship team is truly praising God. I would say much more about Lakeview but I would just be running on. I have to say that I feel closer to God than I ever have.

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Mike, thank you so much for the encouraging share! I am so thankful that God is moving you closer to him, and that I have the incredible blessing to be part of his work! I am always amazed at how God takes the little we have and does much with it. I think of the five loaves and two fish--not enough by themselves to feed more than one or two people. But Jesus multiplied that meager gift to feed the thousands! We give what we have and God does more than we can ask or imagine! He is so good!

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